Joya. artists residence / no.16 / University of the Arts, London. Camberwell. MA Fine Art. 23/30.03.2010

Camberwell-MA 2

The Joya residency is very pleased to announce the spring arrival of nine full and part time MA Fine Art  students from the University of the Arts, Camberwell, London.

They intend to pursue a collaborative piece of work whilst here, using resources that come to hand, working together through a process of experimentation and reflection, exploring the five senses. They will respond to the sights, sounds, tastes, smells and touch of the environment around Cortijada Los Gázquez in an attempt to build a sustainable model for artistic experience.

Oh, and don’t be confused by their student status. These people are all creative professionals in their own right before they commenced their MA. We look forward to their arrival.


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