JOYA / Ellie Curtis


Ellie Curtis is an artist, designer, illustrator and print maker (both on paper and fabric). She presents small vignettes of  distorted animalism, hybrid creatures conjured from the imagination of an over eager explorer, the taxidermist, distorting the character of two creatures and amalgamating them into one. She favours water colour then inscribed with India Ink…


Some of the work (such as the above) becomes screen print which can then become printed paper editions or fabric design.


The reprographic character of the illustrations above are a tell tale sign that these works are for print. These are to be fabric designs and indeed the one on the left is destined to be material hanging at Los Gázquez.


Here Ellie Curtis talks about her work to guests at Los Gázquez. All our JOYA resident artists are obliged to give talks to our guests which they are all keen to do. On this occasion Ellie had a mix of PAINT SAFARI clients, travel writers, graphic designers and animators along with university students.


This is an artist with a lot of design savvy. She is open in her influences and she travels at tangents described in maps only chartered in her creative mind. Her sense of colour is sublime and what some may call faux naif is more like innocent talent. Should anyone have a story that needs an illustrator, I would recommend.


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