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Young Americans…

Archie's Los Gázquez

capture memories of Los Gázquez, summer 2010. Nice one Archie. It’s a brave man who puts a wind turbine centre stage in what is a tricky compositional device!

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Mr Watt, Monsieur Ampere, Count Volta and the Wind

LG wind turbineCortijada Los Gazquez is the proud owner of a Bornay Inclin 3000 wind turbine. It is one of the ways we make electricity to run the house here. It stands at a lofty 12 meters above ground level and has a rotor blade dimension of 3.7 meters. It is designed to work in tandem with other systems such as a photo voltaic panel, broadening the options to produce electricity whatever the weather.

We like it, we like the way it harnesses energy from the sun (the sun creates the thermal winds which power the turbine) and makes power. Power without emissions, carbon or radioactive.

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